Guided Meditation
This involves a relaxation practice, followed by a breath awareness practice, followed by a loving-kindness practice. It lasts 13 and a half minutes. Please use this freely. This guided meditation is intended to offer a way for you to learn to practice so you can do it more deeply on your own. Thank you for your dedicated practice!
Guided Meditation Music
This link below will bring you to a Youtube page that contains the guided meditation music I often use for my classes. Feel free to put it on in the background of the guided meditation audio above. You can subscribe to the Youtube page of the video to see a host of other music videos made by the same producer, or search for meditation music on Youtube, Pandora, Spotify or other video or audio sites.
La Meditación Guiáda En Español.
Esto es la meditación guiáda en español. Primero vamos a hacer relajación, despues enfocamos en la respiración, y finalmente cultivamos amor para nosotros y para otros.
Sleep Guided Meditation
This sleep guided meditation can be used to help you come to a restful place and settle into a sleep state. It invokes a ritual of letting go of unfinished business, trusting that you can let go, cultivating gratitude in your life and in feeling comfortable in your bed, followed by breath meditation to start you off on your own to follow the breath as it brings you to a restful and settled state of mind. Notice when your thoughts distract you, simply let them go, and come back to the breath. Once you begin to fall asleep, let go of the breath meditation and simply allow yourself to fall asleep. Even if you do not fall asleep, doing the breath meditation will rest your mind and body, gaining similar benefits to sleeping.