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Individual Classes via Zoom or in person:


During the course of meditation classes we will familiarize ourselves with the two primary aspects of meditation practice: awareness practices and benevolence practices. Awareness practices cultivate understanding the truth of our reality, information which allows us to know what is the case in order to know what is possible. Benevolence practices cultivate our altruistic faculties and make us grow as people, becoming more loving and compassionate. These two types of practice are what you would become intimate with and cultivate in your life. Awareness practices and benevolence practices are done both during and after sitting meditation practice. In sitting practice, awareness practice manifests as the  simple and direct form of meditation practice which involves following our breath. That mixed with other forms of realization make a complete awareness practice. Sitting practice for benevolence practices is cultivated through a well-wishing meditation that brings forth our hearts wishes for ourselves and others to be happy and not suffer. These simple but powerful practices for awareness and benevolence then translate into our daily life in the form of mindfulness and spiritual realization as well as kindheartedness and love for others in our life. 


Classes go for 45 min- one hour.

20$-80$ sliding scale per class. Price negotiable for lower-income households.


Group Classes:


Meditation class (Guided Meditation): 30-45min

A  guided meditation class whereby a brief one-page handout is offered on a subject relevant to meditation practice followed by a guided meditation takes place. The guided meditation entails a body scan, a meditation to calm the primary aspects of the mental and physical spheres, breath awareness practice for presence to the moment, followed by a benevolence practice of well-wishing for ones-self and others.

75-150$ per class for the whole group payment or 20$ per person for five or more.


Meditation snack:  10-15 minutes

This is a quick an regenerating meditation session. It involves a guided meditation on the primary aspects of the body-mind followed by a breath meditation. $50 per class or 10$ a person for 5 or more.



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